EPS 01 Construction, Energy, and Consumption

EPS 01 Construction, Energy, and Consumption

July 29, 2020 AUDIOVISUAL 0

In this first of the Environmental Podcast Series (EPS) I interview Saleh Kaji Esfahani on construction, energy, consumption, building technology, climate issues, residential development, and the future of architecture.

Saleh is a Ph.D. candidate and researcher at the School of Design University of Western Australia (UWA), a recipient of the Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship, the University Postgraduate Award (UPA), and the Science-Industry PhD fellowship.

He has collaborated on research in Sustainable Design, Parametric Architecture and Smart Cities.

His current focus is addressing environmental pollution through the use of architectural design, planning, and technology to increase Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems efficiency in Western Australian homes.

Saleh has more than a decade of experience in architecture and urban planning, both as an academic and practitioner. He is a past faculty member in the School of Art and Architecture at Raghib Isfahani Institute of Higher Education, Iran, and a past CEO of Mehraz Architectural Group, Iran.

Listen to EPS 01 HERE.