Interest Areas

Transdisciplinary Treasures

Tag: transdisciplinary

Great leaps in knowledge are attained when diverse specialists work together in service of one another, thus transcending (going beyond) conventional perspectives and applications of their academic disciplines.

Posts explore problem solving via trans-disciplinary discourse between sciences and humanities.

Nature and Urbanization

Tag: urbanization

Society, Economy and Ecology are all interconnected; decisions and actions in one will affect all others.

Posts investigate the social, economic, and ecological consequences of urbanization.

Science for Nonscientists

Tag: nonscientists

Science is a language and humanities have so much to contribute! Dialogue is often only hindered by jargon and assumed knowledge of standard operating procedures.

Posts aim to provide humanities disciplines general knowledge of scientific concepts and processes.

Small Steps with Big Impacts

Tag: smallsteps

Being environmentally friendly is not necessarily synonymous with being an activist, nor doing without.

Posts propose practical ways to make a difference for the planet whilst maintaining high levels of convenience and quality of life.